Tim Hycenth Ndah

Scientific Staff (he/his)

Hycenth Tim Ndah is a social scientist specializing in sustainability-oriented innovations in agriculture and agri-food systems. His expertise includes agricultural knowledge systems, adoption processes, Agricultural Advisory Services (AAS), innovation support services, organizational capacity assessment, and transformative learning approaches. Utilizing participatory and inter-transdisciplinary methodologies along with computer-based decision support tools, he effectively analyses and facilitates the adoption and scaling of demand-driven, sustainable agricultural innovations. Tim Ndah's research extends globally, focusing on agri-food systems innovations and transformation in Europe and Africa, covering innovative practices like fishpond aquaculture, conservation agriculture, improved forages, small scale irrigation, certification within cocoa value chain, Seedball technology, and agroecology.

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Research interest

  • Agricultural Advisory (AS) and innovation support services (ISS)
  • Agricultural knowledge and innovation systems (AKIS)
  • Acceptance, adoption, and scaling processes of innovations
  • Inter-transdisciplinary and transformative learning processes
  • Organizational capacity assessment and development processes for innovation support

Curriculum Vitae

2023 - present Managing Director, Global Research Centre for Food Security and Ecosystems (GFE) University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
2018 - present Senior Research Scientist, Department of Communication and Advisory Services in Rural Areas University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
2014 - 2023 Senior Research Scientist, Working Group: Farm Economics and Ecosystem Services (from 2023-onwards: visiting) Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Müncheberg, Germany
2013 - 2018 Research Scientist, Department of Communication and Advisory Services in Rural Areas University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
06.06.2014 PhD Defence. Dr. rer. agr., Thaer-Institute for Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
2008 - 2014 Graduate Research Assistant, Institute of Socioeconomics Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Müncheberg, Germany
2006 - 2008 Graduate Research Assistant Eurofins Agroscience Services Ecotox GmbH, Niefern Öschelbronn, Germany
2004 - 2006 MSc Studies: Agricultural Sciences, Food Security and Natural Resources Management University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
2000 - 2004 Lecturer and Head of Department, Geographer St Joseph College, South-West Province – Buea, Cameroon
1997 - 2000 BSc Studies: Geographer (BSc Degree), Economics (Diploma) University of Buea, Cameroon

Research Projects

  • CANALLS: Driving agroecological transitions in the humid tropics of Central and Eastern Africa through traNsdisciplinary Agroecology Living LabS 
  • COINS: Co-developing innovations for sustainable land management in West African smallholder farming systems
  • SERVInnov: Strengthening innovation support SERVices to enhance INNOVations for sustainable food production
  • AgriSpin: Space for innovations in Agriculture

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  • Ndah HT., Schuler J., Uthes S., Zander P., Triomphe B., Mkomwa S., Corbeels M. (2015) Adoption potential for conservation agriculture in Africa: a newly developed assessment approach (QAToCA) applied in Kenya and Tanzania. Land Degradation & Development 26, 2, 133-141
  • Ndah HT., Schuler J., Uthes S., Zander P., Traore K., Gama M-S., Nyagumbo I., Triomphe B., Sieber S., Corbels M. (2014) Adoption potential of conservation agriculture practices in Sub-Saharan Africa: results from five case studies. Environmental Management 53, 3, 620-635
  • Corbeels, M., de Graaff, J., Ndah, HT., Penot, E., Baudron, F., Naudin, K., Andrieu, N., Chirat, G., Schuler, J., Nyagumbo, I., Rusinamhodzi, L., Traore, K., Mzoba, H. D., and Adolwa, I. S. (2014). Understanding the impact and adoption of conservation agriculture in Africa: A multi-scale analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 187, 155-170.


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